The Story of Ines
Our story began some 30 years ago amidst lush sugar cane plantations in a western province in the Philippines, where housewife Isabel Lovina desired to make hand-smocked dresses for her daughter, Ines. She wanted to make the same dresses her grandmother hand smocked and sewed for her when she was a child. Today, Ines Moda Infantil has become a household name in the world of exquisitely hand-smocked children's clothes.
Our company has grown over the past decades as we continue to stay true to our history, heritage and niche. Each garment produced tells the story of women who were housewives and have now become empowered breadwinners of their families by meticulously hand-crafting each Ines Moda Infantil masterpiece.
Now a manufacturer, exporter and retailer of high quality garments, we pride ourselves in our standard of excellence. We seek to provide beautiful, classic, and age-appropriate clothing options for today's children, their children and their children's children.